Salesforce Integration 6.27.0: In the admin interface, the "UI Component Settings" configuration panel has been renamed "Match Component Settings"
Released on: 02-Dec-2024
Salesforce Integration 6.18.0: for search indexation, both custom settings - "Use TMF Version 2" and "Custom Indexation User Name" under "Textkernel Indexing Service Settings" from previous release have been removed. The integration now always uses TMF Version 2 and the appropriate custom indexation user name. This is not a breaking change. Please refer to:
Salesforce integration 6.17.4: to help customers reduce the Platform Event volume in their org, the integration no longer publishes platform events when a recruiter clicks workflow actions to OpenRecordDetailPage or import a record from Jobs Data. Previously these actions published Platform Events, but actually they are internal actions handled by the integration where the Platform Events are unnecessary
Salesforce Integration 6.17.4: improved error logging for issue when a field is missing/deleted from an org but it is mentioned in the indexation/parsing mapping configuration file being uploaded.
Salesforce Integration 6.17.4: (beta) for search indexation, added support to map 5 additional multi-select picklist fields for the base candidate and vacancy records. To use this feature, in the custom settings "Textkernel Indexing Service Settings", set "Use TMF Version 2" checkbox to "True", and change "Custom Indexation User Name" from the default value "import" to be "importv2".
Salesforce Integration 6.17.4: (beta) for search indexation, added several new fields to the candidate data mapping: Current/Last job title, Current/Last employer, Current/Last employment start date, Years of experience, Highest education level. Please review data mapping documentation:
Salesforce Integration 6.17.4: (beta) for search indexation, added 5 additional Custom Objects for Candidate and Vacancy data mapping. To use this feature, in the custom settings "Textkernel Indexing Service Settings", set "Use TMF Version 2" checkbox to "True", and change "Custom Indexation User Name" from the default value "import" to be "importv2".